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These are all questions I've definitely been asked before... And that I didn't just make up...

Q: Who are you?

A: The King Of Rats.

Q: Ok, but who are you, like, actually?

A: Just some neurodivergent teenager that should spent more time away from their computer lol, most pages are written from my perspective, not The King Of Rats's because I am not a writer... I'm also a ballroom dancer, and an actor, and I guess I am a writer too, I'm just lazy.

Q: Are there any causes that you care about?

A: Spreading awareness of Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome (SMAS) too. And I guess there are other things as well.

Q: SMAS? What's that?

A: If you want to learn about SMAS and/or donate to help people who can't get the healthcare they need for SMAS, please visit smasyndrome.org.